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3 ways to shake the business billing nightmares

Jan 24, 2018 | Admin, Advisory Services, Financial Services, Latest News, Salesforce Billing

You’ve rebranded your company, and the PR department is working seamlessly. Your employees are happy, satisfied, and productive. Revenue is at a peak, and analytics from the business development team are looking bright. Best of all, your customers are of the repeating and loyal variety. But — no matter how much you conquer these pressing tasks — the nitty gritty money problems always tend to linger past the work day and bleed into your personal time. It’s the issues that keep coming back to haunt you: A repeating nightmare of inefficient and flawed billing, taxes, record-keeping, and invoicing. Surely, some companies manage it without missing a beat, but why can’t yours?

With the emergence of innovative technologies moving faster than ever, it’s imperative to stay on top of the methods and software your business utilizes. Pick the wrong approach, and your company could be drowning in financial struggles within days. But, thanks to cloud computing and the geniuses at Salesforce, there are easy fixes to managing the easily neglected tasks. Here are three ways QTC solutions can streamline and improve your billing processes (and shake off those night terrors for good!).


1. Down on errors and up on transparency

Invoices sprinkled with mistakes and bills shrouded in mystery — it’s a setup for corporate disaster. But when you take control of your billing practices with QTC practices, these worries cease. The efficiency of Salesforce Billing and QTC means your invoicing system will compile costs and quotes on its own, reducing the need for multiple forgetful (albeit good-hearted) human hands. This reduction in error not only saves your business time and money but lets you hit the pillow at night confident and at ease.

Additionally, the audit trail is clear and navigable, so anyone can get the info they need to timely address customer queries. But this clarity doesn’t just benefit your customers. This transparency makes the path from lead to deal better understood by your whole team, making internal efforts better directed to serving your customers and raising revenues.

Related: The importance of having the difficult conversations


2. Seize the future and automate everything

Reporting, taxes, quotes, bills, incentives, and discounts. Using traditional business practices means each of these tasks can take hours to prepare — and that’s just for one deal. But with the power of AI and deep learning, data collection and analysis can be automated, churning out quotes and thus deals faster than ever. Salesforce Einstein (the AI feature of Salesforce) is unstoppable when coupled with Salesforce Billing; joining these two forces allows your business to collect, analyze, and implement billing practices predicted and suggested by top technology. Better yet, this can be done within moments rather than days. Now that’s a good night’s sleep.

Still awake with worry about losing that human touch with an AI layer in your QTC? Don’t be. The deep learning of Einstein means your data analysis functions using the complex architecture of human thinking processes, and your employees are still on board to oversee and direct the QTC process. In fact, with less time spent crunching the numbers, your team has more time to foster the personable side of your business.


3. Cut the crap: make info direct and accessible  

Your top sales rep has nurtured the lead, and they’re just a few steps away from closing the deal and putting cash in your company’s account. There’s just one thing: The customer is seeking information your sales rep can’t seem to find. After your sales rep fumbles through files and gets back to the customer hours later, that customer has already found someone else to send their money to. Clearly, information is king. And if your sales reps don’t have it, your company isn’t selling like it could. But when your sales reps do have accessible info, well, that’s some deep sleep for both you and your employees.

Salesforce Billing and QTC puts all the pertinent information into one cloud-based source. By connecting the sales team to the finance team, your sales are not only faster, but smarter and more secure for the company as a whole. Redundant data entry? No more. Complex system integrations? No more. Just clear, accessible information meant to drive value into every use of precious time your company has.


The billing, reporting, and other financial tasks of your business are vital, and you deserve the seamless quality of Salesforce Billing and QTC to take care of them. By going down on errors and up on transparency, automating everything, and making info accessible, you can transform your business practices. And Salesforce Billing is Simplus’ expertise. Check out some of our tailor-made, customizable, and scalable solutions we’ve implemented before. Then give us a call, because it’s about time you remembered what your mattress feels like.


Ready for that assured, peaceful sleep that comes from having a Salesforce Billing solution? Read about how to Harness the benefits of Salesforce Billing!, and meet with Simplus today for implementation guidance from the leader in Salesforce QTC.


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