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3 ways you can find Simplus all week at #DF19

Nov 14, 2019 | Admin, Latest News

The countdown is nearly over: Dreamforce 2019 is mere days away. As the biggest cloud computing event of the year draws ever closer, we want to make sure you know all the ways you can meet directly with the Simplus team during your time in San Francisco.


1. Book a meeting time with Simplus

From Tuesday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM each day, Simplus is available for scheduled meeting slots. By booking a meeting, you’ll get a chance to talk one-on-one with Simplus reps about your specific business challenges and how Simplus services can help transform your organization. Schedule a meeting here.


2. Attend morning bootcamp workouts

In honor of Simplus’ Salesforce Military Alliance partnership and Simplus’ veteran employees, we’re hosting a morning workout every day of Dreamforce for anyone interested! No invitation required—just meet us there! Check out the details below:

  • Tuesday 7:00 AM — Run 5–7 km from Salesforce Tower, down the Bay towards the Golden Gate.
  • Wednesday 7:00 AM — Muay Thai martial arts with Simplus at Woodenman Muay Thai ($30 pp for the session). 224 6th St, San Francisco, CA 94103.
  • Thursday 7:00 AM — Run 5–7 km from Salesforce Tower, down the Bay towards the Golden Gate.
  • Friday 7:00 AM — Circuits on the Pier. Meet at Salesforce Tower, and we will do circuit training outdoors on one of the many piers along the bay.


3. Meet Simplus at our Journey Booth all week long

From 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, every day of Dreamforce, the Simplus Journey Booth will be available to show demos, identify industry-specific solutions, consult with Simplus experts, and more. Our booth is dedicated to the different journeys each industry faces with digital transformation and provides specific points of view on how to simplify those journeys.


Old friends, newcomers, and anyone interested in meeting with the coolest kids on the Moscone Center block, find Simplus. You know how.


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