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Transforming processes in healthcare with Salesforce

Feb 14, 2019 | Admin, Change Management, Health and Life Sciences, Latest News, Sales Cloud

It’s one thing to purchase Salesforce. It’s another to use it properly and empower your employees with it. That’s how Simplus helped Moog, a creator of advanced technologies used in healthcare. Salesforce had never truly been rolled out at Moog, which meant much of the staff reverted to old processes and Moog lost out on its investment. That is until they reached out to Simplus. Our case study with Moog is a prime example of how Salesforce can transform processes in healthcare.

Simplus took Moog’s org and started over with Salesforce so it could be done the right way this time. The Simplus team worked with the internal team the entire time to ensure an adept Salesforce Admin would be able to carry out on Salesforce’s promises even after the Simplus engagement. Simplus also rebuilt reports and dashboards, along with other custom developments, to make Moog’s Salesforce instance just right for them. As Moog said, “it was a crazy good level of customer service,” and it led to over 50 hours saved each month and a 29% increase in productivity.




Check back every week through July 2019 for the next Salesforce | Simplus customer success story! We’ll be posting a new one every week as part of our “Simplify your quote-to-cash journey” initiative.


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