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Tools to help integrate with Google Cloud Services

Nov 24, 2014 | Admin, Data Integration, Latest News, Sales Cloud, Uncategorized

Google tools like Gmail and Google Calendars are used fairly universally in the business world. This makes it a good idea to use Salesforce tools that integrate Google cloud services since the two companies are a natural fit if you want to streamline your communications. Here are a couple tools that let you focus on Google cloud services integration with Salesforce.


Ebsta lets you add emails right into your Salesforce account from Gmail. You can sync your Google Calendar to Salesforce, and look at the records you have for customers associated with the contact right next to the email.

This way, you’ll have all of the information you need about the contact readily available when you go to write them an email back. This tool can really save you some time in terms of having to go back and forth between the two services.

It can make it easier to communicate with leads as a result. The tool is free to use.

Cirrus Insight

This tool lets you see information about Salesforce contacts inside not only Gmail, but also Google Apps. It can also sync your calendar together with Salesforce. Additionally, you can use the tool to go in the other direction and add contacts from your Google account into Salesforce as well so you have all of your contacts available in both places.

The tool does costs a fee per month to use but it also works with the Salesforce1 mobile platform. Another useful feature is the one where you can save Gmail attachments and send them to Salesforce objects.

For more information on using Google Cloud Services, please contact us.


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