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There’s an app for that

Dec 30, 2015 | Admin, Change Management, Latest News

There’s an App for That

Indeed, there is an app supporting just about every function or interest known to man, and the platform options for building that app are numerous. As a business owner, building an app to promote your services is essential to staying competitive in your market. But not every business has the resources to spend hours learning code or hiring a developer to design one.

Fortunately, many companies offer platforms that make the process of app creation easier. Though similar in function, not all platforms are equal–and Salesforce has many advantages. As contributor Louis Columbus wrote, “the investments Salesforce has made in their cloud infrastructure over several years (and continue to make) has resulted in a platform that developers are leveraging to rapidly deliver enterprise applications that deliver world-class performance, reliability, and security.” As you consider the design and purpose of your desired app, here are two features to think about when researching platforms.


How easy is it to customize my app?

The good news is that with Salesforce’s AppExchange, you may not need to do app creation at all. As the world’s largest app marketplace, you can choose from over 2,800 pre-integrated apps that cater to any kind of industry.

If you desire a specialized app, the process can still be easily accomplished by using pre-built Lightning Components that help you create a unique design without having to rely on code. Those components will be compatible with other mobile devices.

For those interested in app creation, making a new app with loads of add-ons and unique features, Heroku is a PaaS that allows developers and those with advanced knowledge to design and run a customized app in the cloud.

As with most deluxe designs, there is the matter of complexity when composing apps. Fortunately, there is plenty of technical support available that can offer expertise on optimizing your app functions.


Is your information centralized and easily accessible?

It’s one thing to build your app; it’s another thing to maintain it. The relative ease of maintenance and information accessibility can make a big difference in the platform you choose. For example, Salesforce helps you create a centralized location that makes tracking your hard drive data easy. This hub of information makes troubleshooting simple when help is needed.

Salesforce’s AppExchange is experiencing an incredible growth, and a large part of that increase is the user-friendly nature of this platform. “One thing is clear,” wrote Arik Hesseldahl, “It’s growing faster than before. It took six years before the AppExchange reached its millionth download in 2011, and then two years to break the two million mark. This latest milestone took 18 months.” Your app presence stands to benefit from that expanding impact in the app marketplace.


Whether you are shopping for a basic app to promote your business or designing a customized app that performs a variety of functions, two things to think about when choosing your platform are the customization potential and a centralized location for information. In both cases, Salesforce may be a great fit in helping you find a place in the app community.


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