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How to stay productive during the holidays

Dec 16, 2014 | Admin, Advisory Services, Latest News

Andy Williams isn’t the only one who thinks that it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Work parties, an influx of sugary sweets, and maybe even a large Christmas bonus are on your mind. But during all of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, how can you stay on top of your leads and end the year with a bang? With these 5 tips, you can enjoy your holiday season while still maintaining productivity:

Utilize the Cloud

Spending your holidays away from the office? Trying to catch a flight to the Bahamas but still have a long list of things to get done? Luckily, with most cloud solutions, you can access your documents, client list, and contact information anywhere and at any time—that way, you don’t have to worry about your productivity falling by the wayside during your time away from the office.

Weekly Reports

Prepare for the New Year the right way, and print off a weekly or even better, a monthly report from the past year. This will allow you to analyze and assess which months of the past year produced more revenue and which months were a little slower.  After all, nothing is worse than diving into the New Year behind schedule. Weekly reports are a great way to gauge what sales tactics need improvement and what tactics are worth maintaining during the upcoming year.

Adhere to the Holly Jolly

Looking for more leads during the holiday season? Who isn’t? But instead of just writing the same old generic content and ad campaigns, adhere to the holly jolly and add a holiday spin to everything. From incorporating holiday blog titles to gathering leads through holiday giveaways, embrace the holiday cheer and go after what customers really like—holiday cheer!

Make a List and Check it Twice

Santa Claus isn’t the only one who is good at making lists and checking them twice—use Salesforce to stay on top of your leads and prioritize your next big assignment. For example, because the holidays are near the end of the month, make sure to follow-up with your clients before you go on vacation. That way, nothing is left undone and you can be sure to stay off of the naughty list.

Gift Giving

There isn’t a greater time of year to incentivize others through gifts than during the holiday season. Increase your sales and lead generation with a holiday contest. Track productivity of your sales team in Salesforce and create a contest awarding the sales person with the most leads or lead conversion. After all, nobody reacts to a friendly competition quite like a sales team.

Don’t let the holidays get the best of you and your sales team. With the New Year right around the corner, now more than ever, is the best time to use Salesforce to your benefit—utilize the cloud, run reports, gather leads, follow-up with clients, and even incentivize your team with a sales competition.


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