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The State of Quote-to-Cash: 6 must-read stats from the ebook

Jun 4, 2019 | Admin, Advisory Services, Australia, Implementation Services, Latest News, Salesforce Billing, Salesforce CPQ

Simplus’ State of Quote-to-Cash guide is a CRM industry staple. It’s an easy-to-digest compilation of our comprehensive survey findings which hit everything Quote-to-Cash (QTC): what QTC is, what it means to everyday organizations, and how QTC benefits them. Many business leaders still find themselves wondering what exactly QTC is and why it’s worth their time and investment. To answer that, well, we’ll let these six must-read stats from the ebook speak for themselves:


1. 3.95 out of 5 stars is the average satisfaction for QTC platform users, with 80% of the descriptive wording being positive.

2. Only 22% of QTC users utilize a full CRM/CPQ/ERP integration. That means there’s 78% of QTC users not leveraging the benefits of a complete QTC solution.

3. That 22 % taking advantage of a full QTC solution also reported an overall higher satisfaction than CRM-only users. Full QTC solution users average 4.46 out of 5 stars.

4. Between the three QTC integrations (CRM, CPQ, and ERP), CPQ carries the highest customer happiness: 3.973 out of 5. Luckily, Simplus is the leader in CPQ implementations, having successfully implemented more than anyone else.

5. The area QTC users want to see improvement most is in billing (24% of respondents).

6. 30% of QTC users have plans to implement additional solutions this year, including CPQ, ERP, or CRM.


And that’s just scratching the surface. To learn more about the state of Quote-to-Cash, download the complete guide here—exclusively from Simplus.


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