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How Simplus helps healthcare orgs predict and analyze data

Apr 9, 2019 | Admin, Advisory Services, Health and Life Sciences, Implementation Services, Latest News, Sales Cloud

In a recent survey of biopharma leaders, a measly 20 percent of participants said they believe that their companies are developing leaders capable of leading their organization in a digital environment. Since the future (the present!) is digital, that’s a big problem.

The good news is that Simplus consulting services coupled with Salesforce products can help healthcare companies predict and analyze data. Simplus helps healthcare companies stay ahead in our digital world by making data more accurate and accessible, tracking customers’ buying preferences, and managing predictive analytics.


Make data more accurate and accessible for your team

The landscape of healthcare sales is changing.

According to Statista, for example, “Advancements in design and technologies as well as mass adoption of mobile devices enables personal health care through the consumer to be feasible.”

Whether your business is B2C or B2B, your customers want transparency, and they expect high-caliber service fast. But what if you’re still using a legacy system? What if you haven’t optimized Salesforce? In these cases, you may be losing clients to companies who know how to use their data to keep convert leads into deals.

Simplus and Salesforce help you manage your data so you don’t lose these clients anymore. With all sales-pertinent information in one cloud-based source, your sales team never has to make a client wait. With a navigable audit trail, anyone can get the info they need to address time-sensitive customer queries. Additionally, Salesforce Billing and QTC connect the sales team to the finance team, so “your sales are not only faster, but smarter and more secure for the company as a whole.” No more redundant data entry, no more complex system integrations. Just accessible data that directly benefits your sales team and your clients.

Another issue sales teams in health and life science companies face is…



Want to keep reading? Check out the complete ebook—How Big Data is Changing Healthcare.



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