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Configure, Price and Quote makes complex configurations easy, accurate and fully automated

May 11, 2016 | Admin, Latest News, Salesforce CPQ

Salesforce made a swift move recently to acquire SteelBrick for Configure, Price and Quote (CPQ). Why? Because SteelBrick makes the configuration of complex products easy and automated. SteelBrick ensures compatible products are properly quoted and price discounts are applied as they should. Simplus is the longest tenured SteelBrick Partner, ready to help sales teams implement SteelBrick with success.

Configurations Made Easy

Using SteelBrick, there are pre-defined descriptions and subtotaling features, making the quote presentations customer friendly with detailed descriptions. Products and accessories, whether they be hardware, services or warranty can be easily searched by core product and assigned the quote. This reduces problems with having the wrong accessories on the quote. This is enhanced through the SteelBrick extensive product search capability.

SteelBrick also allows the edit of multiple line items on the same screen, increasing the speed and accuracy of custom discounts. SteelBrick ensures that the right products and accessories are on the right quotes every time. SteelBrick has product compatibility controls with a variety of options to ensure the right items are included on the quote, even with multi-factor compatibility.

The Price Is Right

Complex price schemes? SteelBrick is designed to handle it all. When dealing with volume discounts on the total quote, the price will be tracked as well as percent of total subscriptions and channel and partner pricing. A custom price can be established to time periods, customers or events.

Multiple line items can be edited on the same screen, allowing reps to be more productive when negotiating one-off discounts and proposals for customers. Each of these edits can be managed for approvals through the standard Salesforce profiles and permission sets.

Every quote is logged by SteelBrick CPQ, so your organization always knows the latest quote and configuration offered. Many times when reps or contacts change, you hope they saved the documents. SteelBrick makes research and audit simply and traceable.

Know Your Quotes

Since every quote is saved, built-in reports and dashboards allow sales reps and managers know the deals are progressing and which quotes needs follow-up. Expired quotes are easily found for follow up and revision. The status of quotes can be the greatest tool to ensure proper follow up for sales success. Never miss deadlines or a sales deadline with customer friendly SteelBrick CPQ.

Go Mobile CPQ

SteelBrick is native to Salesforce and available on Salesforce1, so going mobile is easy and seamless. Now sales teams can create sophisticated quotes in the field that create demand. With mobile dashboards and reports, sales managers can easily see how deals are progressing and help their teams achieve success.

With SteelBrick CPQ, you can configure products, price orders, and generate quotes, all with the click of a button. SteelBrick CPQ is 5-10x faster to implement than other configure, price and quote software and is easy to use, on any device, anywhere, anytime. This means sales teams can be more productive in a manner of weeks, not months, driving new revenue in short order. Simplus know how to bring best practice sales process into the Salesforce and SteelBrick platforms with certified 100% US based consultants.


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