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Manufacturers choose Simplus

Optimize revenue and transform service with the best partner around


Data Cloud for Manufacturing

Whether it’s supporting sales ops in run rate business management or recommending service visits and account growth whitespace, Data Cloud has the holistic vision to tie it all together.

Data Cloud for Manufacturing

Whether it’s supporting sales ops in run rate business management or recommending service visits and account growth whitespace, Data Cloud has the holistic vision to tie it all together.

Predict Sales Revenue with More Ease and Accuracy

How can manufacturers respond to the market and deliver frictionless customer experiences, dynamic data, connected information flows, digital work, and a focus on sustainability? Having connected front and back office systems across all business units will enable your organization to do all of those things with a 360-degree customer view. And Salesforce is committed to doing just that. Manufacturing Cloud enables users to better manage and forecast product-based revenue.

Optimizing Revenue Recognition

While manufacturing has historically been a complex business with multiple touchpoints from channel partners to distributors to end customers, revenue recognition doesn’t need to be. Manufacturing Cloud from Salesforce enables run rate businesses to optimize the sales revenue recognition process out of the box instead of having to rely on manual processes. Learn more about optimizing revenue recognition and the value of Manufacturing Cloud:

Optimizing Revenue Recognition

While manufacturing has historically been a complex business with multiple touchpoints from channel partners to distributors to end customers, revenue recognition doesn’t need to be. Manufacturing Cloud from Salesforce enables run rate businesses to optimize the sales revenue recognition process out of the box instead of having to rely on manual processes. Learn more about optimizing revenue recognition and the value of Manufacturing Cloud:

Creating Customer-Centric Experiences

Customers are demanding the Amazon experience across the board—yes, even extending to manufacturing. So how can an industry that has traditionally operated as B2B pivot to B2B2C? See what our experts have to say:

Creating Customer-Centric Experiences

Customers are demanding the Amazon experience across the board—yes, even extending to manufacturing. So how can an industry that has traditionally operated as B2B pivot to B2B2C? See what our experts have to say:

Delivering Transformative Service

Servitization needs and expectations have advanced and changed since 2020. Remote service, monitoring, predictive maintenance and analytics, etc. are all more prevalent than ever before. Learn what this means for manufacturing as well as solutions that are available to help address these pressing industry needs.

Take your manufacturing business up a notch.

Speak with one of our certified Salesforce experts today.