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Managed Services DevOps Part 2—Planning and Code Build

Jun 9, 2020 | Admin, Latest News, Managed Services, Sales Cloud

In many ways, DevOps is a constant, ongoing process. But that doesn’t mean it comes without some advanced planning and preparation. When an organization launches a technical initiative, whether a system enhancement, a bug fix, or a large project, the first step must be to discuss and align on the objectives, timeline, and potential obstacles—all before any code development actually takes place. 

Even among those already employing Salesforce DevOps, 43 percent claim to have post-deployment performance problems 15 percent of the time. That may not seem like much, but wouldn’t it be nice if just a little bit of prep work minimized or eliminated that uncertainty altogether? That’s why taking some time to plan and prepare with all affected stakeholders beforehand is worth the extra step. A roadmap and analysis stage helps make sure your projects have the highest chance of success and are executed as seamlessly as possible. 

In this blog, we’ll review everything that should happen before development work during the planning phase, some strategies for when the code building phase actually begins, and other ongoing best practices for maintaining a clean, lean, DevOps machine. 


The Planning: Everything that happens before dev work

Many steps need to be taken before a code engineer team even begins to build. The organizations with the strongest DevOps are the organizations with resources that understand people, company processes, and true business needs. You want to spend the planning phase achieving widespread alignment on the goals of the DevOps projects. This is done by breaking down technical requests or requirements into their core business objectives and agreeing on a timeline. 

– Identify Objectives: A good DevOps team will drill down to the core business objectives by asking the right questions during the planning stage. What this means is that “Requirement Analysis” shouldn’t just be…



Want to keep reading? Take a look at the complete ebook, “Understanding DevOps and How Managed Services Makes it Easier,” for more insights. 




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