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Making mass updates easier with Salesforce

Nov 13, 2014 | Admin, Latest News, Sales Cloud

One of the challenges of running a business with Salesforce is the need for updating records constantly. After all, your business will likely need to change continually in terms of your client lists and other data fields. Here are a few tools that can help you make updates easier.

Mass Update Anything

This is a tool for Windows that works across a number of different platforms. It makes it so that you can do bulk updating for any field that you can update on Salesforce. It works on any record type. The tool does require that you use Java, however.

There’s also a Mac version for those who want to use this. The tool has Proxy Support and functionality for doing a mass delete if that’s what you want. It can even help you locate deleted records.

Smart Tables

This tool requires a fee per month, but it’s a native Salesforce tool that lets you create smart tables in the form of tabs. You can add mass update abilities for any object in the tab.  The tool also allows you transfer data in large groups, and export files to a number of different file types such as Excel, PDF, CSV, XML and DOC.

The tool comes with a one click analytics tool and a one click mass update tool, which lets you update as many as 50,000 records with just one click.

Overall, being able to update a huge number of records with just one click will save you a lot of time.

If you want to find out other ways to integrate your processes on Salesforce and save time, please contact us.


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