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How to integrate SMS Texting with Salesforce

Nov 12, 2014 | Admin, Data Integration, Latest News, Sales Cloud

Salesforce SMS SMS Solutions is one of those programs that can work well with mobile communication through text messages since this method is so common in modern society. Here are a few tools that help you integrate SMS tasks through Salesforce for greater mobile compatibility.

Salesforce SMS Magic

The SMS Magic service is a subscription service that helps with enterprise messaging operations. It allows you to manage single SMS messages from Salesforce or automate entire campaigns on a schedule.

You can send an SMS text from objects in Salesforce and even use SMS templates. The automation tool allows you to use workflows to send messages without a lot of micromanaging. You can even get responses from customers through SMS texts as well, and make it so that actions occur as a result.

The service also allows for customers can opt out so that you don’t bother them if they don’t want to be involved.

App Shark Open Salesforce SMS Services

This application is completely free to use as an alternative to the paid service of Salesforce SMS Magic. It lets a user send single SMS texts or even bulk texts through Salesforce or It’s a completely straightforward and barebones way to communicate back and forth with customers and leads.

You can also make it so that you get a text alert whenever a new task is made. Since SMS texts are the easiest and most expedient way to communicate with customers, it’s a good idea to have a way to do this if you don’t already.

If you want to know more about getting Salesforce SMS Solutions to work seamlessly for you, please contact Simplus.

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