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Forbes: Identifying A Capable Tech Consultant During A&D

Dec 10, 2019 | Admin, Advisory Services, Latest News

The best technology consultants often prove their worth from the very beginning: during analysis and design. According to Simplus VP of North American Delivery Ryan Northington, analysis and design is more than just a requirement gathering stage. Good consultants use this time to get aligned.

Ryan’s latest Forbes article covers three common mistakes poor technology consultants make during A&D, as well as three techniques good consultants use to avoid those hurdles and make for a better technology project all around. Check out the highlights below or read the full article on Forbes here!


Common Mistake #1: Not having the right people in the room.

“Bringing in people who can’t speak to the day-to-day experiences of the business sets you up for future rework.” — Ryan Northington


Common Mistake #2: Not understanding the business outcomes.

“While it’s certainly necessary, only working on requirements means you’re not considering the business outcomes.” — Ryan Northington


Common Mistake #3: Treating A&D as law. 

“When a customer walks out of A&D with unchangeable expectations, it makes adjusting for changes trickier.” — Ryan Northington


How Good Consultants Avoid Mistake #1: Your consultant should halt A&D until the right people are in the room.

” The easiest way for you and your consultants to start finding the “right” people is to ask questions like “who is going to use this every day?” or “who is responsible for the business outcome of this solution?” ” — Ryan Northington


How Good Consultants Avoid Mistake #2: Your consultant should provide not just requirements, but also a strategy to align requirements with outcomes. 

“Be wary of the consultant that wants to rush the sales cycle and only talk about specific requirements. You really want a consultant that is okay with a sales cycle that last a few months. In some cases, that’s how long it takes to get every executive and business owner aligned.” — Ryan Northington


How Good Consultants Avoid Mistake #3: Your consultant should use an iterative build phase.

“A&D yields great results, but it can’t be treated as unchangeable, or else it’ll keep consultants from doing what you hired them to do: consult.” — Ryan Northington


Follow Ryan Northington on Forbes for more insights and expertise on the consultant experience and professional services!


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