What is our corporate responsibility to protect data? To answer, we must consider prominent elements of data security: data privacy, risk, and compliance.
Articles & Insights
5 things to do today to excel in tomorrow’s IT world
From IDC’s extensive research, we walked away with five key things that businesses need to do today to excel in tomorrow’s IT world.
Forbes: 5 Telltale Signs A Tech Startup Is on Track
Ryan sat down with Jason Holmes to discuss the five shared characteristics of unicorn tech startups and how they position the companies for success.
3 ways Simplus takes your SaaS implementation from good to great
With our growth mindset, we continually ask how we can help our clients’ implementations go from good to great.
AppExchange: There’s an app for that!
If you want to get the most bang for your cloud-based buck, Salesforce AppExchange is something to consider. Here are three reasons why.
How a CIO decreased cost and leveraged the right technologies
Increasing revenue, lowering costs and leveraging technology seems like the impossible dream for business executives. But it is possible.
Forbes article: What can AI do for your business?
Have you ever wondered what AI can truly do for your business? Think about how you purchase from your favorite brands today. You see an ad on social media, and it looks interesting–so you click on it and land on a simple web page with an easy-to-use navigation menu. You receive your purchase in the next few days.
We were just published in Silicon Slopes!
Here are four places to start looking at how you might improve your sales routine and system for increased customer satisfaction.
Why SaaS companies need Salesforce
There are many different ways that Salesforce can help you as you build up your SaaS business, but we’ll focus on some of the most pressing.