If you are ready to move to value-based care, here are four ways cloud computing can help ease the transition.
Articles & Insights
How MuleSoft & Simplus are steering HLS to preventative care
In this article, we’ll take a look at how exactly MuleSoft is guiding HLS towards a future of preventative care. Learn more!
How to design an accelerated digital transformation for HLS
Let’s look at the true way of adopting an accelerated digital transformation for HLS organizations in today’s market.
One key mistake healthcare providers make with their IT strategy
Focusing only on one initiative is a long-term detriment to healthcare providers, and I’d like to explain why.
How pharmaceutical companies can better partner with CROs
The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on the importance of strategic partnerships between pharmaceutical and contract research organizations.
Bringing customer-centric services to health insurance providers
Let’s discuss three ways an automated payor-provider model improves the customer experience for health insurance companies.
How Salesforce delivers better care for people with Alzheimer’s
Technology plays a strong role in helping patients with Alzheimer’s disease, their family members, and caregivers.
3 ways Health Cloud can improve care for people with autism
I’d like to discuss how Health Cloud can support providers in identifying, managing, and preventing barriers to healthcare for children with autism.
Interview: Dr. Suman De and vaccine management
Dr. Suman De was recently interviewed by Logistica & Transportes Hoje regarding the logistical concerns of vaccine distribution.