Case Study
Moog Inc.
At a glance

The Challenge

About Moog Inc.

The Outcome
While Moog already had Salesforce, it had never been set up correctly. We deleted everything and implemented Salesforce the right way.
Moog’s internal admin had very little Salesforce experience. A Simplus team member worked with their internal admin every step of the way. Moog’s admin is now adept and confident in Salesforce. With her training, she was able to give a presentation to Moog’s CEO and other executive team members. After her presentation, she was asked by a different division if she could implement Salesforce for them and train their team.
We were able to recreate custom reports and dashboards that perfectly mirrored the ones that Moog was used to, which helped ease the transition. From there, we created new and additional custom reports to help Moog see data they needed to make important business decisions.