We have recommendations on how to scale your M4.0 pilot for expanded use and realize the best results along the way.
Articles & Insights
The latest and greatest in digital transformation thinking
Digital health services that were great ideas even pre-pandemic
Innovations like telehealth, wearable devices, and digitized records will help providers shift to value-based care long after the pandemic.
5 strategies for fostering innovation when building digital assets
Let’s explore five strategies for fostering workplace innovation and ensuring digital assets get built that are truly transformative.
How a B2B manufacturer optimized CX by transitioning to B2B2C
In this blog post, we’re going to introduce you to a manufacturer that successfully transformed by fully leaning into a B2B2C mindset.
EMR is a start to digital transformation—but it’s only one step
If your goal is to improve the overall patient experience while streamlining and reducing costs, your EMR needs to partner with CRM.
5G will affect more than your cell phone. Here’s how
In this article, we’ll explain some 5G implications and how even the agriculture industry can generate value from a 5G revolution.
Forbes: Amy Cook on growing business with social media
In this Forbes piece, Amy shares three key steps that make social media marketing an opportunity for real business growth.
3 concepts for B2B2C manufacturers to address customer needs
Let’s explore three key concepts that every B2B2C manufacturer should understand to optimally serve its customers and address their needs.
Jayneel Patel discusses digital doors at HIMSS21
When healthcare vendors invoked digital transformation during the pandemic, it opened the digital door to patient-centric care.