Infosys today announced a new program to prepare Americans for 21st-century careers in technology. Infosys will provide 500 Salesforce jobs.
Articles & Insights
The latest and greatest in digital transformation thinking
A manufacturer’s guide to the Salesforce Winter ‘22 Release
We’ve gone through and summarized the most pertinent Winter ’22 Release updates for manufacturers on the Salesforce platform.
Leveraging Salesforce in the professional services industry
Simplus stepped in to eliminate duplicate data and duplicate contracts for overall more efficient contract management and lead generation at Franklin Covey.
3 reasons why you aren’t thrilled with your CPQ implementation
If you want to give CPQ implementation another try, be sure your data management, workflow processes, and expectations align.
Simplus bolsters Infosys’ growing Salesforce capability
HFS Research has published a point of view recognizing Infosys’ growing Salesforce capability due to Simplus.
A holistic approach to implementing Sales Cloud
TCS John Huxley engaged with Simplus, anxious about finding a partner who would address its needs. Simplus came onto the project and delivered in full.
Manufacturing Customer Highlight: ALW
When Architectural Lighting Works (ALW) was concerned their Partner Portal was too challenging to use, they approached Simplus for solutions.
Stunning Sales Cloud results from custom configuration
sPower is a leader for renewable energy. They do incredible work, and when they reached out to Simplus, they decided it was time their Sales Cloud did too.
Change Management drove Salesforce CPQ at Ivanti
Simplus—through Advisory Services, implementation, change management, and training—completely transformed Ivanti’s use of CPQ.