Learn more about the new efficiencies and sales insights KIBO gained following the merging of its two Salesforce instances.
Articles & Insights
The latest and greatest in digital transformation thinking
A Salesforce CPQ implementation for saved hours and faster reports
Salesforce CPQ is all about streamlining the sales process for more revenue growth. When Simplus implemented Salesforce CPQ for Quest, it did just that.
Manufacturing Cloud offers key reasons to re-think your CRM and ERP integration
Manufacturing Cloud gives manufacturers new tools to manage customer price and volume changes over time, consolidate CRM forecasting data and link customer committed volume with customer ordered volume. All of this can make the day-to-day job of your sales professionals easier and increase visibility and transparency across the organization.
Is direct-to-consumer right for your manufacturing business?
We’ve got four key steps for manufacturers to pause and consider before moving forward with direct-to-consumer.
Here’s how to transform CPQ while preserving existing CPQ look, feel, and quality standards
Not only did Simplus deliver all of the client’s requirements on time and on budget, but Simplus also bridged security gaps in the old system and delivered a fully scalable CPQ solution to Seneca. Here’s how.
Simplus CEO Shares One of 13 Planning for the Unexpected Tips From Forbes Bus Dev Expert Panel
As part of the Forbes expert panel, Ryan Northington, CEO at Simplus, believes small business leaders should test potential new products and services. Here’s how.
ARR + IT: The IT Guide to Subscriptions and Renewals
To build digital infrastructure that fires on all cylinders, IT leaders should focus on just saying no to excessive customizations, building out the high-priority features and capabilities that subscribers expect, enabling the organization to track and make decisions based on data, and connecting the subscription management platform to the broader business ecosystem.
Tips to Find an MVP Managed Services Team For Implementation
Selecting an experienced managed services team is the most important step you’ll take. If you’re not sure where to start, these five questions will help you find a Managed Services MVP to keep your digital transformation in play.
How to use Manufacturing Cloud to raise sales forecast accuracy
Take your Manufacturing Cloud to the next level with Salesforce CPQ to enable more standardization in price quotes and contracts and more.