Looking for reasons to implement Data Cloud to leverage data management? If companies like AWS and Spotify aren’t reason enough to know companies in the communications and media...
Articles & Insights
The latest and greatest in digital transformation thinking
Revenue Lifecycle Management FAQ Series: Question #4
Last month, Salesforce launched Revenue Lifecycle Management (RLM), a full overhaul of features and tighter integration of its various current products serving their customers’...
Uncovering the reality of Data Cloud AI in financial services
Sixty-one percent of Americans believe AI could threaten civilization. However, 81 percent of customers prefer companies that offer a personalized experience, and 70 percent say...
Stay ahead, secure, and exceptional: How Data Cloud empowers financial services
When cybersecurity risks, compliance regulations, and evolving customer expectations impact your organization’s growth plans, what you don’t know can make all the difference. ...
Revenue Lifecycle Management FAQ Series: Question #3
Last month, Salesforce launched Revenue Lifecycle Management (RLM), a full overhaul of features and tighter integration of its various current products serving their customers’...
3 top reasons why getting personal with the patient experience is good for business
You often have to get personal with your healthcare provider for the best care. But feeling rushed or being called Todd when your name is Dennis doesn’t do much to build trust. ...
Why IAM? What you need to know about DocuSign’s Intelligent Agreement Management
First things first. It is clear that a lot of intelligent thought, creativity, and hard work went into Intelligent Agreement Management (IAM). If you're a DocuSign employee...
Revenue Lifecycle Management FAQ Series: Question #2
Last month, Salesforce launched Revenue Lifecycle Management (RLM), a full overhaul of features and tighter integration of its various current products serving their customers’...
Everything manufacturers need to know about Data Cloud
Smart technology is coming to a factory floor near you, but are you ready? The advent of remarkable AI use cases in industrial spaces—for everything from security and quality...