10 Things IT Leaders Should Consider When Merging Salesforce Orgs

M&A excitement begins to wear off quickly when it’s time for department leaders to implement the integration of both organizations. According to Harvard Business Review, that’s why between 70% and 90% of mergers and acquisitions fail. But one of the most important things to consider during M&A is the future of your company’s data as it joins with another.
This joint ebook from technology experts at Simplus and OwnBackup will focus on our recommended considerations for integrating data from multiple Salesforce orgs, commonly referred to as an Org Merge.

In this ebook, you’ll learn…
- The business case for merging orgs
- What technical logistics and human changes you’ll need to prepare for
- How to approach data downtime, security risks, storage, and compliance during the merge
- How to preserve old orgs
- Change management strategies for the long-term merge impacts
- …and more

Carlos Montejo
Managing Director of Advisory Services

Shane Howard
VP of Global Operations

Kimberly Cobb
Technical Account Manager
Get in touch today with our data integration experts at both Simplus and OwnBackup. Let’s create a plan for org merge together.
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