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How Advisory Services can lead manufacturers in digital transformation

Sep 28, 2022 | Admin, Advisory FastTrack, Advisory Services, Change Management, Community Cloud, Data Integration, Implementation Services, Latest News, MCD Page, Sales Cloud

Digital transformation can feel like a big idea thrown around repeatedly. You know it’s important, but… what does it really mean? For Lucite International, a chemical manufacturer and part of Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, digital transformation was multi-faceted. Lucite was interested in a Salesforce transformative solution to address multiple pain points, including collaboration, sales productivity, data cleansing, systems integration, and much more.

Simplus Advisory Services engaged with Lucite for three weeks to define the roadmap and business process goals of transformation at Lucite. Collaborating with implementation services as well, Simplus introduced new tools for customer service and data management to Lucite, enhanced data capturing, improved visibility of institutional knowledge, prepared end users with the necessary knowledge and training to drive adoption, and more. Now, Lucite has accelerated its time-to-value by at least a year, developed a scalable model for global expansion, and completed phase one of its entire transformation roadmap. More initiatives are on the horizon, but change is already taking place and yielding excellent results for Lucite.




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