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Salesforce integration in high-tech: #5 The cost of maintenance

Apr 3, 2019 | Admin, High-Tech, Implementation Services, Latest News, Sales Cloud, Salesforce Managed Services

When Indeed released its Best Jobs of 2017 list, two of the entries included Salesforce: administrator and developer. And it’s clear why: maintaining and administrating Salesforce is crucial to your investment. Chances are that you’ve already considered this, but if you haven’t or if you have but haven’t yet acted, now is the time to ensure that you have the headcount with the appropriate certifications hired and ramped.


Do you need more certifications?

Salesforce maintenance and administration aren’t processes you should jump into unprepared. Salesforce itself provides training and certification for the following positions, with the Admin alone having four possible credentials (Administrator, Advanced Admin, Platform Application Builder, and a CPQ Specialist):

– Salesforce Administrator

– Salesforce Architect

– Salesforce Developer

– Salesforce Marketer

– Salesforce Consultant

Before you register for certification, understand that…



Want to keep reading? Download the complete ebook, The True Cost of Salesforce Integration in High-Tech, today!



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