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Halftime check-in: The trends for healthcare in 2024 so far

Jun 25, 2024 | Admin, Data Integration, Health and Life Sciences, Healthcare, Latest News

The ground is fertile for AI in healthcare, as more and more providers consider the possibilities of simplifying routine tasks and allowing human talent to do the most crucial part of their job description: provide care. But are the processes and data backing up healthcare organizations prepared for full AI adoption? 

So far, 2024 is marking a pivotal moment for healthcare as trends are reshaping the industry with a greater focus on efficiency, accessibility, and patient-centric care, all keys for paving the path to successful AI. From the widespread adoption of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) to the integration of automated processes in brokerage services and the prioritization of technology-driven patient experiences by providers, let’s do a halftime check-in on the trends defining healthcare this year.


The use of CDP in healthcare is picking up pace rapidly

The utilization of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) is rapidly gaining traction across various healthcare businesses, promising to streamline operations, enhance patient engagement, and optimize decision-making processes. In essence, CDPs serve as centralized hubs that aggregate, organize, and analyze vast amounts of patient data from disparate sources, ranging from electronic health records (EHRs) to wearable devices and social media interactions.

One of the primary driving forces behind the increased adoption of CDPs is the growing demand for personalized healthcare experiences. By leveraging advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, healthcare organizations can gain actionable insights into patient preferences, behaviors, and medical histories. This enables them to deliver tailored treatment plans, targeted interventions, and proactive health management strategies, ultimately leading to better outcomes and higher patient satisfaction rates.

Moreover, we’ve seen more and more healthcare clients seek CDP functionality because of how CDPs empower providers with real-time visibility into patient journeys, allowing them to identify potential gaps in care, predict future healthcare needs, and intervene promptly to prevent adverse events. This proactive approach not only improves clinical outcomes but also helps reduce healthcare costs by minimizing unnecessary hospital readmissions and emergency room visits.

As CDP technology continues to evolve and mature, healthcare organizations must prioritize data privacy and security to maintain patient trust and comply with regulatory requirements. By implementing robust encryption protocols, access controls, and data governance frameworks, they can safeguard sensitive patient information while harnessing the full potential of CDPs to drive innovation and transformation in healthcare delivery. Luckily, Salesforce Data Cloud comes equipped with precisely the more dynamic, holistic platform healthcare organizations are looking for—not just a CDP, but a comprehensive data management platform for truly reaching patients where they are. 


Broker automation is hitting a chord for many

In the realm of healthcare brokerage services, automation is heralding a new era of efficiency, accuracy, and scalability. Brokers, whether they are insurance agents, benefit consultants, or HR professionals, are increasingly turning to automated processes to streamline critical tasks such as enrollment, onboarding, and training.

Traditionally, these processes were manual, time-consuming, and prone to errors, leading to administrative bottlenecks, compliance issues, and frustrated stakeholders. However, with the advent of digital technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA), machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP), brokers can now automate repetitive tasks, extract insights from unstructured data, and deliver personalized experiences to their clients and employees.

One area where automation is making a significant impact is in the enrollment process for health insurance plans. We’ve worked with several clients this year alone on building out intelligent chatbots and self-service portals so brokers can guide individuals through the enrollment process, answer frequently asked questions, and assist them in selecting the most suitable coverage options based on their unique needs and preferences.

Furthermore, automation is revolutionizing training and education initiatives within the healthcare industry, enabling brokers to deliver interactive, multimedia-rich content to their clients and employees anytime, anywhere. Whether it’s compliance training modules, product demonstrations, or policy updates, automated learning management systems (LMS) empower stakeholders to acquire knowledge, skills, and certifications at their own pace, leading to improved performance and compliance rates.

As brokers continue to embrace automation in their daily operations, they must prioritize data accuracy, transparency, and ethical use to foster trust and accountability among their clients and partners. By adopting industry best practices and investing in robust cybersecurity measures, brokers can harness the full potential of automation to drive growth, innovation, and value creation in the dynamic landscape of healthcare brokerage services.


Providers are looking for technology that prioritizes patient experience first

In the era of value-based care and consumerism, healthcare providers are increasingly leveraging technology to elevate the patient experience and differentiate themselves in a competitive market. From virtual care platforms to digital health apps and remote monitoring devices, technology is enabling providers to deliver seamless, convenient, and personalized care experiences that prioritize patient preferences, convenience, and outcomes.

One of the key enablers of this trend is the integration of electronic health records (EHRs) with patient engagement tools, allowing providers to access comprehensive patient data in real time and collaborate more effectively across care teams. By leveraging data-driven insights and predictive analytics, providers can identify high-risk patients, proactively intervene to prevent complications, and tailor treatment plans to individual needs, ultimately improving clinical outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

Moreover, technology is empowering patients to take a more active role in their healthcare journey through enhanced communication channels, self-service portals, and telemedicine platforms. By offering virtual consultations, online appointment scheduling, and remote monitoring capabilities, providers can extend their reach beyond traditional care settings, improve access to care for underserved populations, and foster stronger patient-provider relationships built on trust, transparency, and empathy.

However, as providers embrace technology-driven solutions to enhance the patient experience, they must remain vigilant about potential challenges such as the digital divide, data privacy concerns, and interoperability issues. By adopting a human-centered approach to technology design and implementation, providers can ensure that digital innovations complement, rather than replace, the human touch in healthcare delivery, leading to better outcomes and higher patient satisfaction rates in the years to come.

We are witnessing a profound transformation in healthcare, driven by trends such as the widespread adoption of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs), the integration of automation in brokerage services, and the prioritization of technology-driven patient experiences by providers. By embracing these trends and leveraging the power of data, automation, and human-centric design, healthcare organizations can navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital age, delivering value-based care that improves outcomes, reduces costs, and enhances the overall patient experience.


